Caroline Dormon is portrayed by Molly L. Markwick, a Seattle native and resident of DeRidder. Molly has most often been associated with DeRidder’s Impromptu Players, the area’s highly popular community theater group, where she wears many hats, including that of company secretary. Markwick has graced the stage in memorable roles, including Aunt Martha in “Arsenic and Old Lace,” Hazel Nutt in “Radio Gals” and Vesta Poteet in “Radio Station T.B.S.” Molly’s talents span the spectrum of theater credits: acting, directing, stage managing and costuming. She recently expanded her horizons to venture into independent filmmaking as assistant to Carol Anne Gayle in her 2008 film “Good Boy.” Molly performed “Caroline” in the 2010 AlterEgo Productions statewide tour of Louisiana Women on Stage, the “Visionaries”, and also before the Louisiana Forestry Association, Fall of 2011, as a part of statewide ceremonies recognizing the 100th anniversary of the Weeks Act which established the National Forestry Association.
Carol Anne Gayle, artist and actor, originally from Cape Cod, learned her craft at the Provincetown Playhouse, and later, in New York, in the company of such luminaries as Diane Keaton, from Sanford Meisner at the Neighborhood Playhouse school of acting. After moving to Lake Charles, Gayle became a fixture on the theatre scene, acting, directing, and creating works of passion and substance for the Lake Charles Little Theatre and others. Gayle’s work includes numerous film credits, as actor, artist and scenic designer. At present, she works as Exhibit and Program Specialist for Lake Charles’ Historic City Hall Museum. Lake Charles Little Theatre and Gayle’s own production company premiered five of the currently touring “Louisiana Women,” plus “Rosa” [Hart] and “Celine” [Fremaux Garcia] in 1999 and 2001, under the direction of Adley Cormier. In addition to portraying Clyde Connell as one of the “Visionaries”, in the 2010 statewide tour of Louisiana Women on Stage, Carol Anne Gayle served as Director of the “Visionaries” Company. Gayle also portrayed “Clyde” in the 2010 Fringe Festival New Orleans, a production by AlterEgo Productions, in partnership with the Ogden Museum of Southern Art. In this production of “The Firsts”, Gayle is Director of “Caroline” and “Clyde”.
Joy Pace (“Maggie”. “Rosa”) is the Coordinator of Theatre at McNeese State University, and currently Chair of Region 6 for the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. Joy earned her B.A. from Centenary College of Louisiana, and her M.F.A. in Directing from Virginia Commonwealth University. A native Texan, and having lived in various areas of the country, she is thrilled to find this opportunity so close to “home”. Though a native Texan, Ms. Pace has lived in various areas of the country. Joy taught as Associate Professor of Theatre at Kentucky Wesleyan College where she was head of theatre and advisor to the Wesleyan Players for five years. She has also taught at Virginia Commonwealth University, and McMurry University.
Joy has worked professionally as an actor, director, vocal coach, instructor, and stage manager. Some of those credits include La Petit Little Theatre/Tennessee Williams Festival in New Orleans; The Blue Ridge Theatre Festival, Barksdale Theatre, Theatre Gym, and The Neighborhood School of The Arts in Richmond, VA; The Independent Theatre, Region 14 ESC, and Buffalo Gap Historic Village in Abilene, TX; and Theatre Workshop and Riverpark Center in Owensboro, KY. She has worked in Educational Theatre for 14 years and enjoyed teaching every aspect of theatre while directing and finding avenues to continue acting. Her most recent directing credits include “All My Sons”, “Pygmalion”, “Othello”, “Waiting for Godot”, “Working: a musical”, and “The Long Christmas Ride Home”. Her favorite recent acting credits include “Josie” in A Moon for the Misbegotten, “Sister Aloysius” in Doubt , and “Cornelia Scott” in Something Unspoken. In Educational Theatre she has directed over 30 productions and acted in many. Joy is greatly looking forward to a life filled with theatre, her great passion.